Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Eh...hello there blogging world.

I've been sitting in front of my computer for the last ten minutes trying to come up with some witty way to begin my blogging journey. And folks, it's just not happening. I'm not an inherently witty person...just sarcastic (and a bit whiny at times). I'm always "the cute one"; you know, the one in the group that tells horrible stories and jokes but people love them anyways because "they're just so darn adorable"? Yep, that's me.

To put it plain and simple, I love to run. I also love to eat. My love for cooking (and most recently, baking) stems from these two loves of my life. I know, I's horribly wrong to have two deep loves without telling the other, but running and eating play off of eachother so gosh darn well. I eat to run and I run to eat. Without one, the other would be incomplete.

But I'll have it said right now, I am not one to live off of chicken breast, oatmeal, and celery. I love exploring new cuisines, researching new recipes, and cooking exciting meals that people wouldn't really have tried without some coaxing. As a cross country runner, weight and health and are extraordinarily important to me and nearly always on my mind but I never (let me repeat, never) limit my eating experiences (unless that eating experience happens to be a rundown Chili's in the middle of nowhere). Healthy and delicious food does not have to be an oxymoron.

And that is what this blog is dedicated to: healthy and delicious food, running, and the life that surrounds these two lifestyles.

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