Wednesday, June 18, 2008

When the positive is greater, negative + positive = positive

I had lofty plans for my run today. A 7-miler was on the schedule and I had plans for it to be spectacular. And, truthfully, it started off that way. Sure, I started off at a pretty slow pace but I was comfortable and just all around enjoying myself; in my view, enjoying myself is what running is really about, when you look at the big picture, so I was flying high...until I hit mile 3.

I don't know what happened, but at mile 3 I just lost it. Any inkling of idea that I would have a wonderful run was gone. Maybe it was the daunting hill in front of me, maybe it was last night's lack of sleep, maybe it's that I'm not eating enough. I have no idea whatsoever.

As of right now, I'm just tackling what I *think* is most likely the cause of my not-so-great runs lately: not enough food and not enough hydration. In the warmer weather, my appetite goes way down and I just don't tend to drink tons of water, even though I should. So for the next few days, I will be focusing on making sure that I both eat and drink enough.

Today's eats:

* Greek yogurt with black raspberry jam, banana

* Spinach-asparagus/veggie noodles (from Whole Foods). Pear. A smallish slice of my chocolate banana cake with walnuts.

* Piece of homemade baklava

* Broccoli. Pan-fried sardines. Ounce of cheddar cheese. Some "artisan" bread.

I'm guessing that's somewhere around 2000 cals. We'll see how my morning run goes and I'll take it from there. It's all about trial and error in the world of running and personal nutrition.

But, although I had a doozie of a run, I have done some baking and cooking. So, overall, I think the good of this Wednesday has outweighed the bad (a post with pictures to follow...).

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